.NET VIN Decoder
Choosing a VIN decoder from the many options available can be difficult. VinPOWER .NET VIN decoder is specifically for Microsoft Operating System users. As a matter of fact, ESP Data Solutions has taken its time developing and building a high-performance scalable solution, especially for Microsoft users. We have focused on accuracy and detail for all our VIN decodes. This attention to detail is part of how we can offer a full 17 digit VIN decode for vehicles manufactured after 1981.
Moreover, VinPOWER .NET incorporates a state-of-the-art VIN decoder algorithm technology and a comprehensive database of vehicles making it an exemplary tool for accessing the most accurate VIN information on the market. In fact, ESP has been the only VIN data supplier that has collected and cataloged over 50,000 original OEM VIN data sheets.
Data and Accuracy
In addition, we have also perfected the verification and validation processes. Having verified and validated information is crucial in making certain the information is of the highest quality. ESP first quality controls the raw data, then validates it against itself, and runs the VIN through the mathematical equations responsible for the check digit. Then the data is provided as a standard .NET object, making importing this data simple.
Furthermore, we offer enhanced vehicle data. This is data about the vehicle normally not contained in the VIN. Not only do we offer enhanced vehicle data for vehicles from 2010 to the present, but we also offer custom data mapping. With a comprehensive list of enhanced vehicle data, if there is a data point missing, ask us, and we will find it. This allows for deeper detailed reports containing highly useful information to many automotive industries.

For more details about VinPOWER .NET VIN decoder, please email Sales@espdata.com or feel free to call us at (978) 975-3333